S-AMOLED vs IPS-LCD for Smartphone Displays

March 28, 2022

Are you planning to buy a new smartphone but you're confused about the display interface technology? Don't worry; we've got your back! In this blog post, we'll compare two popular display technologies: S-AMOLED and IPS-LCD. We'll provide you with factual information without any bias, and we'll try to keep it as fun as possible (without sarcasm, of course). So, let's dive in!


S-AMOLED stands for Super Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode. It is a display technology that uses organic compounds to create the colors of the screen. Each pixel emits its light, which results in stunning colors, high contrasts, and deep blacks.

The benefits of S-AMOLED displays are impressive. They consume less battery power, show vivid colors, and have infinite contrast ratios. Furthermore, S-AMOLED displays are thinner and lighter than IPS-LCD displays.

But as nothing is perfect in this world, S-AMOLED displays have some drawbacks. They are more expensive to manufacture, have some color inaccuracies, and can face burn-in issues over time.


IPS-LCD stands for In-Plane Switching-Liquid Crystal Display. This technology uses a backlight to create the colors of the screen. It has a layer of liquid crystals that twist to control the amount of light that passes through each pixel.

The benefits of IPS-LCD displays include lower manufacturing costs, more accurate colors, and better viewing angles than older LCD technologies. Additionally, IPS-LCD displays don't suffer from burn-in issues.

On the other hand, IPS-LCD displays can't produce deep blacks, which leads to lower contrast ratios. They are also thicker and heavier than S-AMOLED displays, and they consume more battery power.


Now that we've covered the basics of each technology let's compare them. If you're a fan of numbers, you'll be happy to know that we've prepared a table to help you get a better understanding of the differences between S-AMOLED and IPS-LCD displays.

Thickness Thinner Thicker
Weight Lighter Heavier
Power Consumption Lower Higher
Contrast Ratio Infinite Lower
Viewing Angle Excellent Good
Color Accuracy Good, but can face inaccuracies Better
Burn-in Issues Can face burn-in issues No burn-in issues
Manufacturing Cost Higher Lower

As you can see from the table, both technologies have their pros and cons. It's up to you to decide which technology best suits your needs and preferences.


We hope that this blog post has given you a better understanding of the main differences between S-AMOLED and IPS-LCD displays. Both technologies have their advantages and disadvantages, and it's up to you to decide which one you prefer based on your needs and budget.

Hope this has helped you in understanding the tech jargon and finding the right display for your future smartphone.


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